In today’s age, nearly every business is using some form of social media to connect with its clients. Social media advertisements are a great way to do so strategically.

 Advertising looks different and can reach a different audience depending on the social media platform used. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are some of the more common platforms used by businesses, but vary in how they are used most effectively for advertising. 


Why Does Social Media Matter?



Social Media Usage 

Social media has become a crucial method of communication. The statistics below break down some different social media platforms. 



The statistics show the potential reach businesses can have on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, three of the most popular forms of social media. Many people have quickly become active social media users and depend on it for their news and media. 


The increase in social media usage is beneficial for business because it increases reachable customers and can boost the awareness of your brand. 


How to Advertise on Different Platforms 

Users turn to social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for different reasons. Understanding the differences between these platforms shows how advertisements vary from platform to platform. 


For more information on how businesses can advertise with social media, read the articles below.



By Ashley Sipe